Converted in Carolina writes:
My check engine light has been on for several days. My husband tells me it’s nothing to worry about. I told him that I was taking it in to get checked today after it started smelling funny. He still protested, saying that it was a fuse and all they were going to do is charge me an hours’ labor and turn the light off.
Well, it turns out that my husband can’t be trusted when it comes to cars. The dealership just called and my catalytic converter had stopped working, which I’ve heard can set your car on fire. I was right in second-guessing my spouse. Oh, and did I mention that he’s been in the CAR BUSINESS for over 20 years?
so now that i can see beyond my watering eyes, Did he have a Death wish for you? a funny smell would be a great clue to get that car to the Shop. Had a car that caught fire in the dashboard 2 times. both time the smell was the clue. believe my if I smell something it goes to the shop and I do not get back in until it is checked.