Concussed in Calgary writes
Recently my husband did the mother of all stupid things. He came home with a concussion and a huge auto repair bill. Here's how it happened:
One Sunday, he and a friend went to the store to pick up their usual Sunday fare: beer and chips. After their jaunt in the store, they decided they weren't having enough fun and decided to race shopping carts in the parking lot like all testosterone clad teenagers. Except, they aren't teenagers, at least not in their physical age. My husband was winning the race until his cart his a rock in the lot, sending the cart flipping sideways and my husband went with it. He rammed head-first into a car, resulting in damage to his head and the car. I bet he'll do it again anyway.
I wonder how he explained that one in the note to the car's owner? LOL!
New Release Spotlight: Jamie Ogle
1 week ago